I Promise

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Hi guys! Happens if the dragon eye is taken from them in S6 and Hiccup gets frustrated. Hiccstrid is betrothed here! Enjoy!


Astrid passed by Hiccup's hut and frowned a little. She hadn't seen him for the whole day again. In fact, she hadn't seen him for that whole week. Inside it hurt a little, but she had to understand what he was going through.

Stormfly, who was walking beside her and was surprised when her rider suddenly stopped, squawked worriedly at Astrid. The girl looked back at her dragon and gave her a smile.

"He's working really hard on that plan, but I know he's not that stupid to not eat" Astrid said and patted her dragon's head. Astrid glanced at Hiccup's hut again, sighing, and continued walking back to the Clubhouse.

At the first couple days, she did try to help him out, but he said that he needed to do this on his own. She knew that he was really frustrated and he needed this time to himself. So she backed off.

She trusted that Hiccup would do what's best for him. He was always so determined, but she trusted that he would take care of himself. This plan was important, but he was smart.

When she got there, the twins were wrestling for what looks like a weird piece of metal. She raised an eyebrow and stifled a laugh.

The girl walked over to a chair and sat down, her Nadder curling up next to her. She looked over at her friends and saw them both too busy with different things. Fishlegs with a book and Snotlout with a...mirror?

"Guys, what the heck is that?" Astrid asked the twins as Ruffnut looked back at her and opened her mouth to talk.

"AHA!" Tuffnut shouted loudly, taking the thing from her and quickly running out. Ruffnut groaned in frustration and turned back to Astrid, glaring.

"Whoops?" Astrid replied and shrugged while Ruffnut rolled her eyes and took the seat in front of her friend.

They began talking about things, first being what the metal was (apparently a good luck charm?) and then about different random things.

After a while, they heard loud running steps and Tuffnut ran into the Clubhouse with a shirt in his hands and a pale face. Astrid quickly stood up in alert, but then someone else ran into the room.

"TUFF!" Hiccup shouted, running into the room and making Astrid's eyes widen in fear. Fishelgs put down his book and froze while Snotlout dropped his mirror.

He was so skinny. Not the normal skinny or the kind of skinny he was, but too skinny. Astrid tried to speak, but she couldn't get words out her mouth.

"Hiccup?" She finally managed to squeak out. He bit his lip and took back his shirt, quickly placing it on.

"Look, I need to make this plan-" Hiccup started and Astrid shook her head with tears gathering in her eyes.

"And starve yourself?" Astrid asked, her voice soft and questioning. "I didn't think you were that stupid" She continued and let out a shaky breath before walking out, sniffling.

Hiccup couldn't move. He could only see her face looking at him. So scared, confused, disappointed, hurt. He had never seen her look so hurt before. All because of him.


Astrid hurled her axe at the target and saw it hit the bull's eyes. She sighed and went over to Stormfly who was resting by a tree.

"Hey, girl" Astrid greeted softly and slumped down against the tree, her knees curling up to her chest. She closed her eyes and let out a deep breath.

The image of Hiccup's skinny figure came back into her head and she let out a soft sob, shaking her head.

"Gods" She cursed and pressed forehead on her knees, a tear falling down her cheek. She couldn't believe that he could do that.

She wiped a tear away and moved her head to rest on her knees. She down at her toes and picked at them, deep in thought.

Suddenly, she heard someone sit down beside her and her head shot up. Astrid looked over immediately and calmed back down when she saw her betrothed.

Hiccup sat down with his legs crossed and he gave her a small apologetic smile. She bit her lip, trying to stop tears and leaned her head on his shoulder. He sighed deeply and she closed her eyes.

"Astrid, I'm sorry-" He began.
"I blame myself" Astrid cut him off, tears slipping out of her tightly shut eyes. Hiccup frowned deeply and placed a hand on her cheek, making her look at him.

"Don't. It's my fault. I rejected all your help and was so angry and just choose to stop eating to plan. You did everything right, okay?" Hiccup told her sincerely, staring into her tear glazed blue eyes. He felt his heart break again as he saw how sad and scared they were.

"Just promise me. Promise me, Hiccup" Astrid whispered softly with tears slowly rolling down her face. Hiccup nodded and felt tears gather in his own eyes.

"I promise. I-i already ate before I came here. The gang practically shoved food in front of me." He told her, making her laugh softly and smile. She fixed her gaze back on his eyes and sighed softly before wrapping her arms around his neck. She hugged him tightly and he hugged her back.

"Don't do that again, babe" Astrid mumbled and played with the small braids she had placed in his hair. Hiccup chuckled and grinned happily.

"I swear on your life" He replied, making her frown in confusion and pull back.

"My life?" Astrid repeated, raising an eyebrow. He grinned and nodded again.

"You are the most valuable thing to me, so it's the highest possible promise I can make" Hiccup answered, making her blush lightly and grin at him.

"You are huge dork" She teased, leaning her head on his chest as he placed his arm over her shoulders. She noticed how skinny he had become again, but was immediately comforted when he kissed the side of her head.

Astrid trusted Hiccup that this wouldn't happen again. She wouldn't know what to do with herself if it did. But she believed in those two words and she trusted in them.

I promise

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now