Some Things Never Change

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Hi guys! I love all the nostalgia of looking back at the edge 😢!
Happens when the gang is 50! Enjoy!


"Guysss, I don't wanna be on this stupid boat!" Snotlout groaned tiredly and sat down. Ruffnut snorted at her husband and sat besid him.

"No one does, idiot" She told him and he rolled his eyes, draping an arm around her shoulder.

"I just wish we had our dragons" Heather said, her back leaning againt the ship. Fishelgs nodded.

"Yeah, to get us there quicker and stuff" He said and she frowned. "I was thinking the cool battle stuff, but sure. That too" She added.

"We're almost there, gang." Hiccup told them from the wheel of the ship. He was on kneeling on the floor in front of many maps, telling Astrid where to steer.

"Are we really close or are you just saying that to shut us up?" Tuffnut shouted, making Astrid snort.

"Yes, Tuffnut. We are definitely lying and that in front of you is definitely not a very familiar sea stack that we always flew by." Astrid replied sarcastically and gestured to a sea stack on their left.

"Oh yeah, that's the only one we didn't blow up!" Tuffnut said in remembrance and gave his his sister a high-five.

"So just forward for a little and we'll be there, right?" Astrid asked her husband who was packing up the map.

"Yup" Hiccup confirmed and stood beside her, staring at the view. She sighed deeply and looked around, feeling a pang of nostalgia hit her.

"I miss this place, don't you?" Astrid asked him and he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer.

"Well, right now, all I can see are the twins doing the titanic thing, soooo" Hiccup answered, making her laugh and nudge him with her shoulders. He grinned and chuckled softly before kissing the top of her head.

"We didn't change a lot" She commented, leaning her head on his shoulder. "That's for sure" He replied, nodding.

"I mean, we've all got married, have jobs, had children, but we still act like how we did when we were 18" She continued and he nodded along.

"I don't know if that's good or bad" Hiccup said and Astrid grinned. "Maybe both?" She guessed, looking up at him. He smiled and leaned in for a quick kiss.

"Maybe both it is, m'lady" He repeated and leaned his head on hers. Soon, the shape of the Edge got closer and closer and they could make out some of the structures.

"Hey, look! It's the Clubhouse!" Fishlegs shouted excitedly and pointed to the middle of the island. A few seconds later, they were sailing right towards the docks and could see the island in all it's glory.

"Gods, I forgot how much I loved this place" Hiccup whispered in awe of the Edge that they built. He sighed happily as they got closer to the docks. Heather quickly dropped the anchor and they finally docked on the island.

"Do you think the wood will still be-?" Hiccup asked, walking down the stairs with Astrid and being cut off by Tuffnut running onto the dock. Tuffnut stood up and began jumping up and down excitedly, looking around.

"Well, he can be the tester" She replied as Tuffnut ran up the stairs, squealing. The others followed him, taking in the view.

"Isn't he excited?" Hiccup said as he stepped onto the docks. He turned around and offered a hand to Astrid who grinned and rolled her eyes.

"Babe" Astrid said curtly and took his hand, both of them smiling. "M'lady" Hiccup replied and helped her up to the docks. Once they were both on the docks, they walked up to their old home, hand in hand.

"It's so..." Hiccup started as they looked up at their surroundings. "Beautiful" Astrid finished, a smile growing on her face as she saw her hut and the surroundings.

Hiccup looked over at her face and felt his smile grow. Even after all this time, she still was still as beautiful and amazing as ever. Every time he looked at her, he just felt his heart burst in love.

She felt his eyes on her and turned to him with her eyebrow raised and a small smile playing on her face.

"What?" Astrid asked with a small laugh and squeezed his hand gently. Hiccup grinned back at her and shrugged.

"Just you" He replied and looked back to where they were going. She smiled wider as they finally made it up to the Clubhouse.

"It looks just like before!" Fishlegs gushed and pulled open the door, making everyone smile wider in awe.

The inside of the Clubhouse reminded exactly the same as before, only with dust lightly covering the surface. The gang stood there in admiration of their old hang out place.

The rest went by quickly as they all went back to their huts and favorite places on the island. At the end of the nostalgia filled day, Hiccup and Astrid sat again in front of the clubhouse, legs hanging off the ledge.

Astrid sighed in content as they watched the sunset on the horizon. She leaned against's Hiccup's chest and he put an arm around her waist.

Suddenly, Astrid started chuckling lightly and then softly laughing. Hiccup looked at her with an amused face and she grinned

"I just keep remembering how Snotlout reacted to seeing his 'S' again" She explained, still laughing and making him laugh as well.

"He said he wanted to bring it home!" Astrid laughed. "Ruffnut glared at him so hard!" Hiccup chuckled.

"Oh, and how Fishlegs found a book that he accidentally left behind with a new dragon" Hiccup said, making them laugh harder.

"He nearly fainted!" Astrid snorted, laughing loudly together with her husband. When they calmed down, Hiccup chuckled softly.

"Remember how we finally got together here?" Hiccup asked her and she grinned.

"You waited 3 years for the 'perfect moment'" Astrid replied, mocking him and making him laugh softly.

"We still got together, didn't we?" He asked and she nodded in reply.

"It's been so long, Hiccup" She said, thinking back to the days they were living on the Edge. He sighed happily and brought her closer.

"Yeah it has, Astrid. But there isn't anyone else I would rather have spent my life with." He told her, making her smiled widely.

"You know I love you and..." She replied and looked out at the sunset before grinning back at him.

"This seems pretty perfect to me" Astrid said, smiling brightly. He smiled back at her and chuckled.

"Yeah? Yeah. I guess it does" Hiccup told her and they both leaned in for a kiss. Just like they did when they were younger.

Even if their tagline was 'this changes everything', they had to admit. Some things never change.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now