#138 (Not Just Yet.)

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Twisted. Lonely. Cold.
Insane. Anxious. Hated.
All words that fit right,
When it comes to me.
Nothing nice can ever come of this,
No true goodness can come from it.

A destroyed pile of a human,
A lone mind,
Stuck in the world,
In the place that hates her.
I have to fight them off,
But it's too tiring these days.

Medical mistakes leading to family deaths,
Almost no optimism left,
Panic attacks,
And negative old memories.
All of it comes together,
Into a day where I can't stop the tears,
And my outward affection fails to save me.

I'm sorry that your shoulder,
Has had to catch my tears again.
I'm sorry that I haven't been myself,
For who-knows how long.

It's all too much,
But I won't give up just yet.

I have to fight,
I'm scared to hurt you.
My head wants me to give up,
But I could never do that,
At least,
Not just yet.

Just A MessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora