#144 (Euphoria.)

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As much as there is a twisted world,
A cruel monster living within my mind,
Within my soul,
I still have you.

I have a beautiful girlfriend,
Who I love dearly.
I have the best friends I've ever had,
The feelings around them,
I can sum them up into one sentence,
But it could never say everything,
Nothing ever will.
Simply because,
You all mean so much to me.

"You are the cause of my euphoria."

You save me when my mind turns,
You make me laugh when I lose things,
I thought I'd have for much longer.
You keep me seeing the world,
In warm colours,
Rather than under a dull,
Monochromatic filter.

You take my hand,
When I feel I have nothing left,
And you pull me back to the surface,
Of an endless ocean.

That's why I am happy,
Because I have people who I love,
And people who love me.
Even better,
They cause me to feel euphoria.

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