#163 (Help Me.)

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Help me.
I want to take that knife,
Use it and take my life.
I'll do anything.
Do something.

Help me.
I'm so alone,
I can't take this much longer.
I know you're there,
So please,
Listen to me!

Help me.
I'm stuck here,
I know I need to leave.
I know I seem comfortable here.
But please,
Rescue me from my deep-rooted fear.

My pleas are lost,
And my want for help?
That too is losing it's light.

I know I once told you to leave it,
I pushed you away,
Because I thought I'd be alright.
Clearly I'm not,
But now you're gone,
And now I need this to stop,
Before I take action,
And take this frustration out,
On whatever is left of me.

Please, I beg of you now,
Help me.

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