#4 (Drive.)

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I have no drive left,
How I wish I did.
How I wish I wasn't left here,
All alone,
Moving with no drive to motivate me,
And my broken down soul.

I have no drive left.
How I wish I wasn't stood still,
But walking with a purpose,
My head held high,
But that's not real,
So I'm left with no drive to motivate me.

I have no drive left.
How I wish I could surpass goals,
But I don't want to chase them,
Be in a race and pass them,
Because if they weren't what I wanted,
Then what would I do?
Where would I go?
So I'm left with no drive to motivate me.

I have no drive left.
How I wish my life wasn't stagnant,
A constant, average, slow walk.
How I wish it was different,
A new, ever-changing, fast run.
What it is now,
Is boring.
So I'm left with no drive to motivate me.

No drive to keep me moving.
No drive to keep me living.
No drive to keep me trying.
No drive to keep me wishing.
No drive to keep me dreaming.
No drive for anything at all.

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