#183 (Am I Allowed?)

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Am I allowed,
To hold them in my arms?
Am I allowed,
To show my love for them,
In a public space?

The world will judge you,
Tell you this isn't right,
Even though this is natural.

I want to see you,
I want to be allowed to show you off,
Say you're mine.
But I can't,
And I won't until you know you can.

Let me be allowed,
To show off who I love,
For they mean everything to me.

I'm not afraid to show this side of me,
To the people who don't matter,
But it's horrible,
To have judging eyes everywhere,
Staring at your back.

I know so many see this as acceptable,
These days,
But there is still hate,
And there is still fear.

Tell me honestly,
Am I allowed?
Am I allowed,
To love the one I love?

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