#105 (Alone.)

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I feel alone,
But I know I'm not.
I have the people beside me,
Who will try to fight for me.

Yet they can only fight the external problems,
The internal issues,
I have to fight alone.

"External problems."
Like I really have any.
I've a roof over my head,
Food on the table,
A family,
Good friends,
No bullying,
Just typical occasional teasing.

"Internal problems."
I don't know.
Do I have any?
Or does everyone feel like this?
Does everyone want to stop feeling?
Does everyone want to shut themselves away?
Enough to put themselves into radio silence?

Ignoring all of that,
I fight alone,
The majority of the time.
They can help the outside,
Try to hold up what they can see.
But the inside,
That is where I am truly alone.

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