#195 (Fragile Lies.)

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I can see them in your smile,
They're so obvious in your eyes.
You were so proud of yourself,
You owned the world itself!

Then you broke down,
Let the world crash around you,
Now everyone points and laughs,
At the girl sobbing on the solid ground.

Your eyes are a mirror,
You look fine from an onlooker's glance,
But inside,
You are made of something fragile.

You could shatter any second,
No one would spare a glimpse at you.
To them your just another girl,
Crying over nothing,
With hormones running wild.

You always tried to hide it,
But I can see the tears in your eyes.
I can see that you're suffering,
From the inside of your mind.

I wish it wasn't this way,
With your mind,
Living in a world you've made up,
With your body left lifeless in reality.

I can see it clearly behind your eyes,
I can see that this façade,
This mask that you wear,
Is simply a fragile lie.

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