#168 (Forgotten.)

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You fought yourself.
You held on for three months more,
Than you ever believed you could.
I believed you when you said,
That you loved yourself.
Perhaps something pulled it,
That emotional pressure release valve,
And this is the consequence.

Perhaps you're gone for good,
A victim of this world's dysfunction.
I loved you so dearly,
Now I'll never meet you,
And tell it to your face.

You fought for so long,
And here,
Marks the end of your long fight.
You are so strong,
You are so caring,
You are so beautiful,
And perhaps now,
I must say those sentences,
In the dreadful past tense.

If tonight marked your last day,
Last hour,
Last minute,
Last second,
Last breath,
I'm sorry this world couldn't hold,
All of your perfection.

I'm glad I knew you.
I still don't believe my hours were wasted,
You were here longer than you thought you could be,
I'm glad I was even the tiniest part of that.

If I even helped you,
In the most miniscule of ways,
I'm glad I became a small part of your life,
A spare soldier,
In your lonely battle.

I beg of you now,
Rest in peace.

I will never forget you.
I will never let you be forgotten.

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