#5 (Agoraphobia.)

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You're trapped in that mind of yours,
Scared to face the crowds,
Scared to see the world outside,
Scared to feel the air around you,
Scared to hear the sounds of people,
Scared to smell the lies in everything.
But that's not your fault,
Is it?

You're trapped in that mind of yours,
Reluctant to leave your bed,
Reluctant to leave your comfort zone,
Reluctant to leave all that's familiar,
Reluctant to leave all you love,
Reluctant to leave all have here.
But that's not your fault,
Is it?

You're trapped in that mind of yours,
Afraid to move what you want close,
Afraid to feel what you miss the most,
Afraid to love who you don't anymore,
Afraid to fear what's outside today,
Afraid to miss what was taken away.
But that's not your fault,
Is it?

You're trapped in that mind of yours,
It doesn't want you to face crowds,
It doesn't want you to see the world,
It doesn't want you to feel the air,
It doesn't want you to hear the sounds,
It doesn't want you to smell the lies.

You're trapped in that mind of yours,
It doesn't want you to leave your bed,
It doesn't want you to leave comfort,
It doesn't want you to leave familiarity,
It doesn't want you to leave the loved,
It doesn't want you to leave what's here.

You're trapped in that mind of yours,
It doesn't want you to move,
It doesn't want you to feel what's real,
It doesn't want you to love what's gone,
It doesn't want you to fear what's real,
It doesn't want you to miss what's gone.

You're trapped in that mind of yours,
It wants to keep you here,
It wants to keep you controlled,
It wants to keep you scared,
It wants to keep you reluctant,
It wants to keep you afraid,
And it doesn't want to let you leave.
But that's not your fault,
Is it?

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