#155 (Liar.)

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You thought I was a liar,
Someone hiding the truth.
White lies,
The little things,
That I couldn't tell,
If I wanted to spare your fragile feelings.

Ah, then the real lies,
The smiles,
The laughter,
The raw emotions.
All lies,
All wrapped in colours,
And presented as beautiful and fiery.

I am a liar,
I've always had it too easy,
To hide everything,
To put on that perfect mask.
I could be lying in this moment,
And you'd never know.
How could you trust me?
How could you love me?

I'm not a liar,
Ah, equivocation,
Ambiguous language,
Refusing to commit myself,
Keeping the truth out of your grasp.

"I'll only the speak the truth."
"I'll never lie to you."
Is that what I truly meant?
Was that how I truly felt?
Not even I know,
So how could you?

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