#66 (Made For Your Happiness.)

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I was made to create your happiness.
I was designed.
All I ever was,
Was meant to be perfect,
A good thing.
But I can't even do that!

I have a flaw,
A burning fault in my code,
I can't give you all your happiness,
If I don't feel anything.
If I could wish to make this life,
I don't know what I'd say,
For how could I lie,
Say no,
Just to forge happiness for you?
When I have none for myself.

Designed to be,
Someone's light in their darkness,
The warmth when they're cold,
That smile when all they want to do is cry.

How can I be any of that,
If I had nothing to start with?

I was designed for your happiness,
But I became a broken invention,
All I can bring is my sadness,
That corrupts your broken heart further.

I was born broken,
But I'll still try for you.
I was designed for your happiness,
To be your hope,
And while I have none for myself,
I'll bring you up,
Until you are happily standing above me.

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