#117 (My Feelings For You To Read.)

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The words I've written,
For all of you to read,
They come directly from me,
My mind and my heart.

As stupid as it sounds,
All of this was for me,
Never meant for your eyes.
I took the plunge.

I started sharing my inner secrets,
The tireless overtime,
That my brain works,
To destroy the soul's vessel,
For an unknown reason.

I write,
You read.

Some things I've written,
Simply ideas,
Not real occurrences for myself.
Drawn from experience.
Drawn from songs.
The last type,
Written when the incident happened,
And published at the same time.

You are given the chance to read me,
Please don't take the last of what I have,
And use it to aid my brain,
In the destruction of a soul's vessel.

Just A MessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang