#94 (Not So Poetic.)

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It's not exactly polite,
Quite the opposite.
Not too sure why,
For it's just another word,
Among millions.

Well, we all swear,
They're just more words.
It's just another euphemism,
For another bodily function,
So, what's so bad about this one?

Just to put some more,
Emphasis on this topic.
It's fun to say,
Hell, it's the name of a baby animal,
So, why was it so suddenly,
Considered rude?

They aren't quite poetic to write,
Not so polite to say,
For whatever reason.
But we still use them,
Because they are just another word.
Yet, I still don't understand,
What's so wrong with these words,
And not the rest of our diverse language?

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