#85 (Killer Bunny.)

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Look at you,
Staring up at me,
You're precious eyes,
How innocent they seem.
Believe me,
It only seems as such,
To someone who doesn't dig too deeply.

Let me look once more,
Into those apparently innocent eyes.
I see many piles of lies.

Oh, bunny,
You thought you weren't,
But you are slowly killing me.
How sweet.

Oh, bunny,
If only you knew,
The way you act with me,
It feels like you're digging,
A sharp dagger into my heart.

It's as though you think your innocent eyes,
Your blissful obliviousness,
Hide so much more than they do.
I see it.
The way you act around me,
You're staring up sweetly at me,
As you force the dagger through my chest.

Bunny, you're a killer.
But, my god, I love it.

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