#39 (Happy To Be Loyal.)

38 4 14

We are bound to friends by loyalty.
If you hurt our friends,
You have to deal with us.
Except our empathy is not shared,
I care too much,
And you,
Couldn't really care less.

You don't seem to care,
For those outside our group of six,
And your family,
And this,
It has no effect on your feelings.

And yet,
It's almost as if I care too much.
I care for the group of us,
And my family,
At the expense of how I feel.

You aren't bothered,
If everyone is or isn't happy,
You just want those you care for,

However, I am not like you,
I would rather everyone,
Apart from me,

Am I happy to be loyal?
Or loyal to be happy?
Either way,
I care just too much,
But she cares just too little,
So we'll all be OK.

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