#197 (Actress.)

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Looking at my personality,
You'd never say,
I could make an actress of myself.
A liar,
A fraudulent fake perhaps,
But never a professional pretender.

Lovely lady,
I only see you as a friend.
How blunt of me,
But that's how the truth can be,

You don't mean so much to me.
How pungent is that on your tongue?
That is what the truth tastes like,

I'm lying to your face.
Holding your hand is a false front,
Even pretending I could like you,
More than a good friend,
Is having high hopes.
I could be the one to crush them.

It's sad,
That your crush,
Could crush your spirits,
Even once you think you have them.
That's all I'll be to you,
A crush who never loved you back.

It must be sickening to see the truth,
Set up like this,
Through thought out words,
A planned out storyline.
I'm sorry I lied.
I'm sorry you believed me.
That is why I'm saying this,
So I don't lead you on,
And you don't end up truly in love,
With a selfish human like me.

Why did you think,
I shoved your pet names to the side?
Why do you think I tell you,
To always calm down over this?
Why do you think that,
I don't feel that a relationship like ours,
Is any form of important?

Have I made a convincing plot?
Have I been the director,
And the guileful actress?
A player in an all-in-one deceptive role?

Did you really believe me before?
Did you really think I was genuine,
With those three stupid words?
I'd be shocked if you did.
Is my act really that convincing?

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