#65 (How Would You Feel?)

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How could you make the girl,
Who hates everything she is,
Want to change her favourite attribute,
Of herself?
And smile as you do it.

You're terrible.
Making fun of and annoying,
The girl who is in pain with herself,
How could you do that?
And laugh as you rip her apart?

She loves this one thing about herself,
And you have to try and ruin it for her.

How disgusting.

How would you feel,
If someone did that to you?
It would hurt,
Wouldn't it?
If someone mocked,
And made fun of,
The only thing you loved about yourself,
And grinned in your face,
As they did.

It would make you feel horrible,
If someone tore the last of you down,
Along with the already shredded,
Happiness associated with that attribute.

You're horrible.
You're disgusting.
You are absolutely terrible.

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