#153 (Sinner.)

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I know too much,
Your opinion is there,
I already know it.
"You're just a teenager."
"Grow a pair."
"Get over it."
"That's stupid. Think about the real world."
"It's just a phase."
Then the laughter,
The violent mockery,
Disguised by a sound,
The human mind relates to happiness.

I can hear the word echo in their heads,
A word I dare not repeat,
Every time I dare to show affection,
To show how I care about my friends.
I'm not surprised people think I'm disgusting.
I have a relationship,
People at school would make fun of me for.
I know, "How childish," to worry about that.

It's not childish when you hear remarks,
Day in, day out,
Of people turning what you are,
Into something that should be hidden away,
And never be poked with a ten foot pole.

People make fun,
Because I'm different,
As if it wasn't obvious!
"You're different to me,
Do you see me taking the piss,
Out of you or your behaviour?
No! Of course you don't!
Because at least I'm a civil human being."

Those are the thoughts I have,
But I've never once voiced them.
I'm not the person everyone sees.

You know my biggest secret,
Maybe not by me explicitly telling,
But perhaps by inference,
But the only thing I think of,
When it comes to you is:

Would you accept me like that?

Tell me,
With your wings of the demons,
Of the people I'm always around,
Are you going to hate me?

Please, tell me,
With those wings dug into your shoulders,
I want the truth.
Are you calling me a sinner?

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