#89 (Let's Look Over You.)

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Let's look over you.

Your hair,
Soft and a dirty blonde,
Cut to your shoulders,
And framing your face.

Your eyes,
A calm blue,
They hide secrets,
I wish I could just crawl in,
Through the windows to your soul,
And dig out what you're hiding.

Your lips,
They fit your face perfectly.
I'm not going to lie,
I want to kiss them,
And have wanted to,
For a very long time.

Your arms,
Scratched and scarred.
I've seen it,
It looked painful,
And I hope it never happens again.

I didn't fall in love with how you looked,
I fell in love with you because,
You're wonderful.
You're pretty, I can't lie,
But you also mean so much to me.
We've known each other for years,
And here we are,
Finally together,
Even though our parents don't know.

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