#87 (Better For You.)

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I see you there,
You look so beautiful,
Like you are computer generated.

You make my heart race,
You're so kind,
You are so caring,
Like you were made too innocent,
For this world.

But, there's someone with you.
Another girl,
She's holding your hand.
She's making you laugh.
She even pressed her lips to your cheek.

I want to see her fail.
I want you to leave her,
Be mine instead.
I could be so much better for you,
She's hiding things from you.
She is lying to you.

I pushed her off the wall,
Where you had been sat together,
And pulled you into my arms.
You cried out that you hate her,
You knew that she was going behind your back,
And yet you were foolish enough to stay with her.

You cried,
And I kissed your tears away,
Told you that I would never do that.
I even said that I love you.
Let's be together,
We'll love each other forever.

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