#178 (From Being Alone to Being Lucky.)

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I was alone,
Lonely in even the largest crowd,
Even more so as the only one there.
I had nobody,
I had two friends at maximum,
And then I was alone again.
I was the sob story of a teenage girl,
The lonely introvert with no friends.

I've been so tired.
I was so tired.
All the trials of this,
And it's not over yet.
It's like I've always fought alone,
Having no other thoughts,
Than just that damned loneliness.

Then you and I met.
You are a such pretty girl,
Who always wore such a lovely smile,
Who is so dear and precious to me.
You're too wonderful to even be near me,
So to even have the life where I can say this,
Where we are good, close friends,
I am the luckiest girl here.

Next, there was you.
Another beautiful girl,
Whose laugh is infectious,
Who doesn't have to struggle to make me smile.
You are so incredible to me,
So strong and intelligent.
You're too good for me, too awesome,
So when I get the chance to say you're my friend,
I believe I am so lucky to get the opportunity to say that.

Last, but most definitely not least, was you.
Another insanely cute girl,
Who is constantly smiling,
Who is always happy and optimistic.
You are so amazing to me,
So funny and full of charm.
You're too innocent for me, too perfect,
So each time I get to tell people who I'm close to,
I know that I am lucky to say that we are.

You are all too good.
You all deserve the best of the best.
So why you chose me?
I'll never know,
But I'm lucky you did.

So every day I get to see your faces,
I am reminded that,
I get to believe that,
I am no longer alone.
You won't let me be alone again,
And I'm so lucky to have people like that.

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