#187 (Awake.)

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I thought I had you,
Someone to keep me breathing,
While I was comatose,
Knocked out by the words inside me.

I thought you were beside me,
All the hours I was unconscious,
But you didn't stay,
After the thoughts took me out.

I thought you'd be here for me,
Every second I was lying there,
But you never were,
Even before the world inside,
Finally tried to take my life.

You were the only one,
Who I ever confided in.
You were the only person,
I thought I could trust.
It turns out you were a fraud,
A twisted, sadistic little lie.

I'm so tired of this,
Throwing my body into a fight for you,
When you never even lifted a finger,
To fight for me.

I'm so exhausted,
Putting my heart out on the line,
Trusting an organ that can't think,
Before trusting what told me,
That you would be the death of me.

I say that I'm tired,
But, perhaps, I'm finally awake.

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