#38 (Friend, Please.)

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You deny you need someone,
But someone will deny how,
They might just need you.
But, you're my friend now,
I may not know everything,
But I will love you as a person,
I will respect you as a human being,
But most of all,
I will care about you.

Friend, please.
I love you, I respect you,
Take your hands from your eyes,
And let me wipe your tears,
And clean your stains away.

I know,
All this will weigh heavy over you,
An ever looming shadow,
That pulls away the happiness,
And replaces it with the emptiness.

And I know,
You want to leave,
Be a part of another world,
Where suffering is something,
You don't have to live with,
My friend, please,
Don't take your life away,
From me.

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