#174 (For You.)

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I'm prepared for an explanation,
Yet some days,
I don't want to hear it.
Maybe tonight,
I do.

You are dear to me,
I know you know that.
I've never spilled a word about me,
I know you don't want to hear it.
You've told me so much,
I will never share it.

This isn't healthy for me,
But if I'm the one you trust,
Then I'm prepared to fall apart,
If it meant you could be pieced back together.
If you could feel better,
Feel alive,
I don't care if that's the day,
My emotions die,
Because then you'd be happy.

I know you've seen this,
I know you've seen all the words I've written.
I've written some things in blind frustration,
Others in overwhelming sadness,
To the point my heart,
Might no longer take it.
If you can wake up happy,
Breathing and alive,
While I'm laying there,
With no emotions left inside,
I wouldn't care,
Because you'd still be here.

I know you feel ashamed right now,
I know you did the first time too,
But you don't have to be.
I'm always here,
You think I never want to hear from you again?
I'm just happy that you're still breathing,
Still willing to continue.

This was all for you,
Let's take our time with this.
I'm still here.
You're not gone.
It's time to talk through this,
And, perhaps, we'll both be alright.

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