#156 (Community.)

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Is it right?
Am I allowed to miss it?
How can I hate this,
And miss what once existed?

We felt like a group,
A miniature community,
Or at least I felt that way,
In our group of thirty.
I miss that sense of community,
It's not weaved within the dynamics,
Of these different people.

I hate so many of you.
You tried to hurt me,
Or get in my way.
Yet, I miss it,
I miss the community dynamic we had,
Because we were all new,
So few of us had connections in that room,
So we leant on each other for a time.

You, sat right there,
You could hate me for saying all this,
Even after I expressed the irritation I feel,
When I barely see a name,
Yet I miss that community sometimes.

I can't miss it!
It's wrong to long for something,
That tried to hurt you in the first place!
But I can't help myself,
My mind is rational,
But my heart doesn't listen,
And just wants to feel a part of something,
For one last time.

How can I miss what I hate?
How can I hate what I have?
There's no community,
Yet there once was one.
I'm not going to miss this anymore,
It's not worth going through pain,
For the sake of a feeling,
I won't feel again,
For many years to come.

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