#149 (The Nurse.)

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There is no trusting her,
The woman at your bedside.
There's no trusting her soothing words,
"You will always be safe here with me."
The lie laced in a soft voice,
While medicine is crawling into your veins.

She's quiet,
Dusting off the spotless windowsill,
Her smooth actions suspicious.
As if she plans to let you down.
That lovely little lady,
The maid the ghostly clean building hired,
She should never conspire to kill.
She is paid to mother you,
Not fill you with dirty drugs,
And smother you with false words.

The nurse,
She should not be the one,
Filling your cold wounds with salt.
"I'll never let you down."
Another one of her lies,
Coated in sugar and a bitter sweetness,
As she watches the wrong drugs,
Make you seem worse,
To your loving daughter,
As she smiles smugly,
Happy with what she's doing,
To make my mother suffer.

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