#14 (Bloodied Silver.)

43 7 0

Drag. Stop. Sigh.
Drag. Stop. Sob.
Drag. Stop. Sigh.
Drag. Stop. Sob.

Wince. Watch. Smile.
Wince. Watch. Frown.
Wince. Watch. Smile.
Wince. Watch. Frown.

Leave. Wipe.
Leave. Clean.
Leave. Wipe.
Leave. Clean.

Pull down the sleeve.
They won't know.
Pull up the sleeve.
They won't know.

Drag. Stop. Sigh.
Drag. Stop. Sob.
Drag. Stop. Sigh.
Drag. Stop. Sob.

Wince. Watch. Smile.
Wince. Watch. Frown.
Wince. Watch. Smile.
Wince. Watch. Frown.

Leave. Wipe.
Leave. Clean.
Leave. Wipe.
Leave. Clean.

Pull down the sleeve.
They won't know.
Pull down the sleeve.
They won't know.

Pull down the sleeve.
Pull down the sleeve.

Hide the box.
Hide the box.

Run from the room.
Run from the room.

They won't know.

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