#53 (She.)

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Oh, could someone tell her,
The words I wish to speak?
Can you tell me,
Why I feel for an old friend,
Just like this?

She means my world.
Her scars,
They have become mine,
However mine aren't physical,
But mental,
Her's, though, they're real,
And that horrifying to think of.

She means everything to me,
And I don't miss the days,
When we were seen together,
As much as we could be.
We were friends then,
Now we're together and,
I don't regret the years of friendship.

My cause to protect,
Is hurt.
I failed her,
The girl I swore to protect,
Hurts and I will take responsibility,
Although I know it's not my,
Burden to bear.

Means absolutely everything to me.
And I believe in the girl,
That you will only ever know as,

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