#135 (Sociopath.)

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Why do I stay by your side?
Why am I doing this?

I've felt every emotion,
When it comes to your presence,
Yet I feel that it's all in vain,
A futile attempt to gain your affection.

You don't care about others,
You are sociopathic,
And yet I stay by your side,
Freely giving up all my affection to you.

Do you want me to stay like this?
Be the person at your side,
The one who will come running,
At your every beck and call?

I swear I've tried to feel good,
I've tried not to let the way you think,
Twist me into something awful.

You're manipulative.
You'll talk to me,
Make me laugh,
But at the end of the day,
You can be incredibly heartless.

You don't create attachment,
As it hurts when people leave,
A typical self-preserving fool.
You seem to refuse to put your trust in us,
As much as we put our trust in you,
This friendship is supposed to be a two way street,
Stop turning us against ourselves,
And leaving us with no one to truly believe in.

You're ready to turn on us,
At any given moment,
If we cross a line into a place of no return.
You've got so many of our secrets,
Held in your unsteady hands,
In your dark and cruel mind.

You are the gun,
Loaded, with the hammer pulled back.
We are the mere victims,
And I will be the first to die,
From the bullet holes you will leave.

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