#196 (Tiring World.)

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The outside is where you're taunted,
But your house is where you're haunted.
The memories refuse to leave,
So you hid the skin and scars with long sleeves.

You're exhausted behind closed doors,
Within your mind is an ongoing war.
The world is trying to break you,
You're letting it by refusing to pull through.

The confusion is keeping you trapped,
Now your body is scratched.
The secret will be found soon,
With fresh scars painted in maroon.

The heart inside your ribs,
Is torn and ripped.
The brain inside your skull,
Once coloured is now only dull.

You're so stressed and numb,
No one there to help the headache,
With the rhythm of a beaten up snare drum,
That came from the drugs you ate.

So you've given up trying,
This life was just too tiring.
The little letter you've left behind,
Has left tears inside everyone's eyes.

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