#161 (Generational Repetition.)

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"Adults are perfect.
They are your role models."
I suppose we're meant to believe that.
Since when has an adult been perfect?

Watch the world's politics crumble,
Because it's run by the people,
Of the older generation.
We ration that thought,
Use as little of it as possible,
Because they're older,
So they must know what they're doing,

"Adults aren't stupid."
Do you expect us to believe that?
Read all about it! Read all about it!
Another adult is downing this world!

We've had tyrants rule,
And still do under the dictatorships of today.
There's constant threat,
Of someone finally breaking the tensions,
And ruining this world.
The past is only an example,
And the ones who didn't understand,
All those forced history lessons,
Those who run our countries,
Are forever doomed to repeat it.

"Respect your elders,
All you millennial children are,
Is ungrateful, entitled 'snowflakes'."
Half this statement is true,
My generation is too precious.

I respect my elders,
But how dare you force your beliefs,
Down the lower generations' throats,
Because you feel that you have all the wisdom,
Within your horrifically biased opinion.

My generation is the one of the 'snowflakes'.
The fragile feminists,
The too easily-offended,
The people for equality,
That don't fight for everyone to be equal.

We are the ones with technology,
The entirety of the population's knowledge,
Right at our fingertips,
Only a few taps away.
And, yet,
The age of social media,
Has destroyed many,
And saved others.
There is no winning.

The world has always been ungrateful.
You probably felt the same,
As we do today,
When this was the way,
Your elders treated your generation.
Ah, the simplest example,
Of history repeating itself,
Yet with a slight variation.

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