#151 (Back In Time.)

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Tonight has lasted far too long.
My heart feels like it's in ruins,
My head feels shredded and cold.
Let me watch my old tears,
Run down my red cheeks and dry,
Once more,
Through the blurred glass,
Of the bathroom mirror.

I can see the memories,
They're swimming in the eyes,
Of my smeared reflection.
They're happy,
Full of love.
They are sad,
Full of hopelessness.

It's all there,
Laid out in my brown eyes.
The colours of a life that was loved,
The patterns of a girl who didn't know,
The smiling lines of someone innocent,
Forced to be seen as wrinkles.

My hand on the glass,
My eyes making contact with their reflection,
My lips against the cold surface.
Is this what growing up looks like?

The thoughts running,
Never slowing,
Constantly swirling,
Through my mind.
One stands out clear,
Stuttered and soaked in the pain of,
One thousand tears:

We'll never go back in time,
And I'll never be the same again.

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