#162 (Worth It.)

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All the hours,
I have spent laying awake,
Keeping my eyes on notifications,
They were worth it.
Every second I have spent,
Was not time wasted.
It was worth it,
Because someone in this world needs you,
And now they have the chance to keep you.

I've never stopped you from thanking me,
But I'll always praise you too.
I have never held anything,
Not one of your many words,
Against you.

I've been right here,
At all times,
Ready to help you,
Ready to comfort you.
I've felt so much,
Cried so many tears,
Hoping for you to be alright.
All of those tears,
They were worth it.
I was emotionally invested,
In wanting to hold you up,
That all the tears made me fight for you,
And made me fight twice as hard.

Of all of these words,
None could explain how,
You will always be worth everything.
All of the tears,
Nights of so little sleep,
Days spent worrying about you,
It was all worth it,
Just because you can love yourself now.

Just A MessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora