#6 (We Are Alone Here.)

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We're alone in this world,
With little company to keep us sane.

Soulmates won't always stay,
Even as we get sick of losing them,
As they leave time and time again.

Lovers won't always hold on,
Even as we hope that each is the one,
That we'll hold forever.

Friends won't always hang around,
Even as we wish for their company,
They will walk out on us.

Family won't always stay alive,
Even as we hope that they stay,
They don't tend to outlive us.

Memories won't always stay cherished,
Even as we wish to hold on to them,
They fade as we grow old and grey.

We're alone in this world,
With little company to keep us sane.

Just A MessNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ