#29 (Aren't We All Like Rain?)

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Aren't we all like the rain?
The storms that fill the air,
With grey and a bubbling sadness,
Aren't we just like them,
As they cry out the rain?
The depictions of lives.

We're all just hoping we land,
On trees,
On their leaves and branches,
Just to last a little longer,
So we don't hit the ground.

We're all just hoping we land,
On roofs,
Of cars or of houses,
Just to last a little longer,
So we don't hit the ground.

Some of us,
Never want to hit the ground,
We just want to live,
And live forever.

Some of us,
Miss when we try to land,
Or even get our plans changed,
And are hitting the ground,
Way too early.

Some of us,
We don't hope to land,
We hope to hit the ground,
Have everything end in an instant.

So, aren't we all just like the rain?
A depiction of our real world,
The fight of who survives,
For a time.
The fight of who dies,
Way too soon.
The fight of who pluck themselves off,
Over temporary problems.
Aren't we all just like the rain?

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