#86 (What Have I Done?)

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What the fuck have I done?
I pulled that door shut,
Regardless of what he said.
I heard as his panic,
His genuine distress set in.

Our mother kicked at that door,
She ripped off the handle,
Broke the internal mechanism.
Finally, we got him out.

I hugged him briefly.
I then hid.
I cried in bathroom,
Feeling so awful.
I scratched out 'I'm Sorry.'
On to my arms,
My nails leaving no more,
Than faint lines,
That will disappear so soon.

I'm a terrible big sister.
What cardinal sin did he commit,
For him to deserve such an awful person,
For a sister?

That woman is strong enough to kill me.
It's been proven by how the walls shook,
As her foot hit the door.
Imagine if what I had done,
Hadn't been an accident.

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