#37 (Mystery.)

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Do you know what you are?
You're a mystery.
A mystery shrouded in darkness,
Shaded by the miserable,
Miserable thoughts of this world.
And, you, my wonderful mystery,
Deserve something as great as you are.

You're a beautiful mystery,
With a beating heart,
And real emotions,
And real skin,
And a real human body.
You're wonderful,
And wonderful is what,
You should have.

You may have gone through,
Far too much,
Something much heavier,
Than your own shoulders may carry,
Than a beautiful mystery,
Like yourself,
Should ever go through.

However, I know that you,
Are strong, my mystery.
So, for that,
I know you can keep going.
So you, my mystery,
Can do this,
And win your life back.

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