#200 (Lovable.)

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I know what you're thinking,
"Unlovable," or "insignificant,"
But these are just constructs,
Made up by your brain,
Following requirements of society.

You are a lovable human,
Don't let me,
Or any one else,
Twist that crucial fact.
You are significant,
Don't let the world,
Take that away from you,
Because of arbitrary numbers on a screen.

Aren't people cruel?
Telling you such toxic lies?
Feeding you such nasty words?
Sending you slowly insane?
Isn't this society evil?
Self-obsessed with riches but no love?
Corrupted and twisted beliefs?
Driving people to a premature end?

I don't count you as one listed above.
You're just a human being,
Trying to get by,
In the reckless world around you.
The aforementioned is what surrounds you,
But you don't let it beat you,
And when it does,
You bounce back ready to fight again.

Someone who can come back stronger,
Is one of the most lovable.
Someone who doesn't let the world drown them,
Is one of the most significant.
You fall under these categories,
And I say that makes you both,
Awfully lovable,
And beautifully significant.

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