#146 (Nice.)

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Maybe one day,
If you ignore all my offers,
If you try to hold me at arms length,
I'll just stop.

If you can't let me be kind,
I'll lose the will to care at all.
If you can't let me care,
I'll lose all want to be involved in your life.

You say that I don't have to,
"It's not an obligation,
It's a want."
That is what I told you.

I'm not obliged to be nice,
I want to,
I want you to be happy,
I want you to feel loved.

Perhaps, I just want someone to depend on me,
As much as I am drowning,
I need you,
Even though I tell you not to lean on me.

All I want to be there,
But how can I?
When you keep me at arm's length away,
How can I remind you that you aren't alone?

One day,
All of me trying to be good,
With you pushing me away in response,
I'll give up caring about you,
Seeing that it's fruitless,
And I won't be there for you,
When you need it the most.

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