#186 (Lying On A Daily Basis.)

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How could I handle this,
Any longer than I already have?

You're preferring her over me,
I don't know why,
But that hurts.
I try to say the smallest of things,
I get scared of you,
So I change my mind.
Fuck you.

I made a small comment,
On something someone else said,
I used sarcasm,
Yet you scare me,
And so when that message,
Tells you I've been feeling depressed,
For days and days,
And I finally tried to do something about it,
All you take note of,
Is my slight bitterness,
At her comment,
Not what's wrong with me.
Fuck you.

You do things,
You know have the ability to hurt me.
You know how I feel,
You know I feel like a disappointment,
Yet you seem to use it against me.
Fuck you.

You seem to only want me to get worse,
Why did I ever trust you?
Why did I tell you that?
Why do you use it against me?
Fuck you.

You, it's only you,
You haven't done anything to me,
You haven't hurt me yet.
Thank you.

You're my last happiness here,
It hurts me to be so close to hurting you,
When I finally give up on this.
You haven't hurt me,
You don't have the ammunition to do so,
And, if you did,
I know you wouldn't use it,
Unlike the more manipulative of us.
Thank you.

I thought I was happy,
I thought I had a safe space.
I was wrong.

Now every second I spend with you,
Being truly side by side,
I feel like I'm lying to you,
On a daily basis.

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