#180 (Unnoticeable Disappointment.)

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I'll sit here in silence,
Without even daring to speak a sound.
The room is filled with voices,
And I'm caught under the umbrella,
Of being one of them,
Though I'm silent.

The voices disregard me,
I become part of the disappointing crowd,
Of people who's mouths won't shut,
Even if you stitched their lips together,
Or pulled their tongue out through their teeth.
Despite my lasting silence.

We all end up in line for punishment,
And I'm the only one,
Who's mind refuses to stop talking,
As opposed to a class of delinquent lips.
"You're a disappointment."
"You've disappointed them."
My mouth is silent,
While my mind is loud, unruly.

Turn back just a day,
I was smiling, laughing,
Finally feeling proud of myself.
Finally being noticed for behaving.

I live under the shadows of others,
My small voice meaning nothing,
My behaviour being my only quality.
I could be stood directly in front of you,
Doing a task you need finished,
And someone else will be asked still.

It keeps me from trouble, yes,
But that's the only thing I like about it,
This curse disguised as a blessing.
I'm the only one who ever behaves,
Yet I'm never even given a second glance,
Even a whisper of praise,
While, when the naughty change their ways for one hour,
It's like they're met with celebration,
And the highest of praise,
Because they finally met the expectations,
That I meet by default.

I will still keep my head down,
Too scared of getting in trouble,
Although that's what caused me to be,
An unnoticeable disappointment,
In the first place.

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