#148 (Lost Childhood.)

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Coming from the home I do,
Coming from the schools I did,
You wouldn't believe me,
If I told you the dark secret,
That I feel like I lost my childhood.

I'm surrounded by mental disorders,
And suicidal thoughts,
Alongside self harm,
I've seen anorexia,
And anxiety.

I've grown up knowing grief,
From far too young.
I've felt deep-set grudges,
Especially against the healthcare system,
With the mistakes of idiotic staff.

Someone I knew,
She grew up with abuse.
I didn't know her scars,
She didn't say a word if I asked,
About the fresh scratch on her skin.

I've felt the emotions linked to these.
The sight of scars on arms,
Being surrounded by disorders,
Knowing people who were abused,
Losing loved ones,
Seeing the world try tear my mother's strong will.

It's all too much,
For that little fourteen year old,
Who doesn't know herself,
Who doesn't know what she'll do,
Or where she'll go.

That why I feel like my childhood,
Was lost.

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