#50 (Worthless.)

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I feel worthless.
I have no purpose.
I am worthless to my universe.
I am worthless to my surroundings.
I am worthless monetarily.

I am a tiny spec,
A tiny system of cells and atoms,
In the universe,
Maybe even in a multiverse,
And, so, in that sense,
I am meaningless,
Meaning I am worthless.

I let people walk over me,
I became a doormat of a human,
Friends and foes wipe their feet on me,
And don't bat an eyelid,
So, if I put it like that,
I am worthless.

I don't have money to give,
I don't own millions,
I will never be something of that calibre,
I don't live a life of luxury,
And, when written like that,
I have no worth,
Meaning I am worthless.

Just A Messजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें