#102 (I Used To Be Happy.)

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I used to be happy.
I used to love everyone,
I was oblivious to the world,
And it's cruelty.

I don't know when it did,
But as soon as it left me,
That innocent and perpetual joy,
I was cold.

I'm not sad.
I'm confused.
I don't blame you,
I don't blame my friends,
I don't blame my family.

I just know that my mind is messed up.
I never was normal,
Never quite correct in the head.

Treat me like the pushover I am.
Throw me away as soon as your done with me.
Leave me the second I don't meet your needs anymore.
I don't care.

It's kind of hard to care,
When you don't know,
Who or what to believe.

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