#35 (I Hate Mr. & Mrs. Popular.)

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I shouldn't have hit Mr. Popular,
I shouldn't have.
I shouldn't have yelled at Mrs. Popular,
I shouldn't have.

I shouldn't have hit him.
I shouldn't have yelled at her.
I shouldn't have.
I shouldn't have.

But I did.

I hit Mr. Popular,
They upset me.
They made me feel awful.
I yelled at Mrs. Popular.
They upset me.
They made me feel awful.

I hit him.
I yelled at her.
All because of words they said,
And the actions that followed after.

He hurt me.
So I hurt him.
She hurt me.
So I hurt her.

I shouldn't have done what I have,
But I did,
So, now,
The world I live in has more than one,
Consequence to face.

The rumours chase me,
If I escape them one day,
I swear it will be a miracle.
I'm their victim,
Victimised by what they did,
What they said.

So I hit Mr. Popular,
And he told lies about me,
And I got away with it.
So I yelled at Mrs. Popular,
And she told lies about me
And I got away with it.

I shouldn't have.
But I did.

But I shan't be proud,
I shan't carry pride for it,
I shan't walk by in blissful ignorance to them,
I shall not say one word,
To Mr. and Mrs. Popular,
Because I'm sure,
He'll hit me back,
And she'll yell in return.

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