Believe in other

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No one pov
Alison look at the sky.

"So the day came huh?"she whisper as she look down. She knew the day was coming ever since she was young. She had dream about them and couldn't sleep for hours. "Alison, I understand if you don't want to do this-"Liam said but she put her hand out. 

What? Isn't she afraid? Liam thought as his girlfriend look at him. "I have to fight back. I mean Bryam isn't the joker and they say when I fight it, I will died so I still have time"she said as she smile. But if it is? 

No time to think negative Alison. You need to protect this people. Even if you are not human she thought to herself. Jennifer look at them too and smile sadly. "So what should we do?"She said as they both look at each. 

"We must create a army. Some of us must get some people to fight back"Taya said as she grip on her bow. "Then let go find our parent"Michelle said. Maybe she might see her mother again. Her real mother. She took out her shell necklace then smile. 

"I agree. They can be such help"Christian said. He look at Alison then frown. He understand how she feel but he also know he couldn't do anything. "There anything you want to do before you died?"He whisper only that she could hear. 

"Yes. I would like to make a video but only with Red. I want to make a video about something I want to get off my chest"she said. "Alright. You go do that. We go and find our family and allies to help"Christian said as she smile. 

She ran towards him and hug him. "Thank you. You are the best"she whisper in his ear. She kiss his cheek then ran off. "Are you two sure you aren't dating?"Michelle joke. "No we aren't. She has the best boyfriend she can ever have"he said as he look at Liam. 

He smile then Taya did a fake cough. "Not to interrupt this nice moment but how are we going home?"she said. Liam look at the group and smile. "I think I can help"he said then he wolf whistle. It was silent until we heard a howl back. 

Wolf came then bow at him. "It you. The real wolf king"said a wolf guard. "Yes it is I. And I need your help. We need to go to the library and prepare for an war"he said as the guard nod. Five wolf went toward us and we went on them. 

The other left to maybe perpare for the fight. "What about you Liam?"Kirsha said. I close my eyes and shape myself into a wolf. A royal wolf has white fur and has a black marking of a crown on his neck. "Been such a long time"he said then he ran off. 

The other follow him as the wind started to blow harder. They got to the library and went inside. "What happen here?"Taya said as they look around. The library look like it been attack. Taya look around then touch the book. Her second home that she knew. 

"Who ever did this shall pay"she whisper under her breath. Kirsha heard a groan then ran toward it. "Bella"she said as she push the board away. "Kirsha? Oh you are alright!"she said as she hug her. "What happen?"She said. 

"The demon had attack this place and most of us try to defend it. One of the demon took fairy godmother. They said that we need to bring back the queen"Bella said. "The queen? He must be talking about Ally"Kirsha said as she look away. 

She should have know that they will attack here since she come here a lot. "Who Ally? Another friend of your?"Bella said as she touch her daughter's shoulder. "No. It her nickname. He is talking about Alison"Kirsha said as she touch her mother's hand. 

"Where is she anyway?"She said. "Alison is safe. Where my mother?"Jennifer said as she look around. "Your mother? She been taken away"Bella said. Jennifer started to cry as Jake hug her. "It okay Jenny. We will find her"he said as she sniff. 

"She took all your family"Bella said as everyone went slient. "They took our familiy?"Michelle said then she kick the nearest bookshelf. "How many survive?"Kirsha said. "Almost everyone. But some are mostly hurt"she said as we went toward the serect room.

"We need to talk them"said a familiar voice. Everyone look back and saw Alison with Red. "Alison!"Liam said as he hug her. She hug him back then push away. "I need to speak to them. How are you doing?"she said as she touch his cheek.

"I'm fine. You did what you need to do?"He said and she nod. "Come on. We need to see my peolpe"Alison as she walk inside. They move a side as she walk with her chest and head up. They all follow her and saw the fariy peolpe.

"Listen up!"Alison yell as she took her weapon out and everyone look up at her. "I know things are hard and fariy godmother lost her wand! It may look like all hope are lost but it isn't. Ther is still hope. I will be your leader.

I know some of you met me as the childish girl and think that she can never lead us and well you are worng. I change and will become the leader you want to see! I will lead you to a new light! I will make sure to protect you.

I will promise to be the one who will change the way. Who with me?!"She yelled then a bright light appear on the hero head as every fariy tale people put their hand out. They all slowly tranform into their warrior self. 

Alison smile then look at her group. "Let do this"she said as she smile. "Alison, you become a true princess"Bella said as Alison touch her crown. "Well will youlook at that"she chuckle then grin. "Alright tell me what we got"she said. 

"Most peolpe agree to fight"Bella said. "Bryam took our family"Jennfier said. "Demon are stealing peolpe. Well mortal"Liam said. "Most peolpe got hurt trying to protect this libaray"Christian said as he fold his arm. 

"And will do anything to get his hand on you"Michelle said as she swing her sword around. "And he is going to get me"Alison said as they gasp. "What?!"They said. "Don't worry. He has to fight me if he want me to be his"she said as she roll her eyes. 

"Well you aren't going out ther alone. We are coming with you whatever you like it or not"Taya said. "Thanks guys. You are the best"she said as they all hug each other. "Alright Bella, get all the magical peolpe to heal the hurt"she said.

Bella nod and ran off. "Liam, did you ask the wolf to aid us?"Alison said. "Yeah. They went to get perpare"He said. "Good. Jennifer, Kirsha, Taya and Michelle, I need you to go to save the mortal and see who want to help us"Alison said.

They nod as they ran off to do what she ask. "What should I do?"Christian said. "You will help Liam with the perparing the wolf guard"she said as they nod. "But are you going to do?"Liam said as she look away. She was afraid to answer him but answer him.

I am going to fight him by myself and give you guys some time

It always been me,right?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon