A illusion in school,huh?

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*Alison Pov*

Hi my name is Alison and I love to read!

Especially fairy tale! I mean wont it be nice to at least find a prince charming? I want to fall in love with someone just like in those fairy tale but in this world,there is no such thing like that.All You find out there is fucking pigs and I know that.

I met tons of them.All they say "Oh I love you because you are beautiful"they will say and I be "Oh yeah? What else do you like about me?".Then you know they only are looking for that things.You know the bees and the birds.

Yeah that right! I am still a child by heart! I really don't like to grow up that much.I mean who want to be an adult? I don't.Everyone around me always avoid me because I am childish but who care? They don't see how special I am.

I drop my book and I look at the person who bump into me."Hey watch it!"I yell as I put my fist in the air.The boy look at me and grunt.Boys these day! I huff as I grab my book.It about Greek god myth.They always give me hope.

"Again with that book,Alison?"a voice said as I look up.It was Britney.She is my best friend and we have a lot in common.She has brown hair with yellow highlight and brown eyes.She love to wear sweatpants and love to wear any kind of tee shirt that has food on it.

"Yeah yeah.I mean I got to keep my study up"I said as I wink.I am that type of girl who so focus on her study."Oh right.To make your mother proud of you.You know you might kill yourself by stress"she said.She was right about that.

"I know.Hey shouldn't you be in class?"I said.She hum and she shrug."The bell is about to ring. You?"she said."Oh I finish my computer work so I decide to go home early.He allow me to go home early"I said as we walk through the door.

"Good thing this is our last period.Hurry!"she said."Don't not forget that we have to meet the rest of our gang"I said.She groan as I giggle."Of course mother"she said.I got that nickname because I always be worry about my friend a lot.

They always do stupid stuff and don't mostly take care of themselves."Now go back to class! You can still have time to get your missing classwork"I said.She nod and walk off."Kids these day"I whisper then a cold breeze past through me.

I heard some laughter and I gasp."Do you really think you can stop me? You are just a little girl with a not famous story.Just stop dreaming and face reality!"it said.What the hell? There was a guy who look like from the glitter force.He smile as he threw his card at me.

That card can explored if it hit me.I scream as I cover myself.Where is the fucking police? Someone else took the hit and I gasp.It was a wolf.It had the most fluffy brown fur ever! And the most beautiful red eyes!

I just want to draw it.Also I want to hug it.It look so cute! It look at me and nod."I believe in you.Please come back to me"it said."What do you mean save you?"I said."I am out there,waiting for you. Come and save everyone hope"he said

The bell rang and people walk out from their classroom.I ran out and found my friends near the exit."Whoa Alison! Was there a fire?"said a boy.His name is Christian.He is like the nicest and funniest guy in my math class.

He is tall and always make me laugh.He also too caring for me because sometime he might lecture me about trying not pick up some fight with others even thought they piss me off."There is none.Where Kirsha?"I said.

A girl with brown hair and kinda brown skin came running."Sorry! I was busy fixing some of my work"she said as she pant.She is like the smarted girl in the school but always below me in the honor roll.It kinda weird because I don't study that much.

"It okay! We both know how hard you work"I said."I am here!"said a voice.It was Vanessa.She always wearing the clothes that is kinda revealing.Like mini skirt that she is wearing right now."Can we just go?"I said as I groan.

"Yeah my mom is ready to take us camping for the spring break"Britney said."I just have one question"Christian said.We all look at him."Am I the only dude here?"he ask."Yeah which mean you have your own tent"I said as we laugh.

"Yeah got everything?"She said."Yeah we left everything with you yesterday"I said as we enter the car.I sat next to Christian since I don't want to hear about makeup or talk about homework. "Hey you okay.Think you can survive this?"he whisper.

"Yeah.I mean I have someone here who can protect me"I whisper."Weird nightmare again huh? Maybe you should go to sleep"he said as he put his arm around me.I only told him about those weird nightmare that I keep having.Of that joker controlling me.

"Alright just so you know...they are going to say that we are couple"I said.It true.But they will be so upset when they find out he have a girlfriend and I only see him as a brother."I don't care.Just go to sleep"he said as I close my eyes.

Maybe I might dream of my prince charming right now

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