Volleyball or hunger game?

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🐦Vanessa pov🐦
It disappear.

Finally! I was eating breakfast and waiting for Alison to wake up. She is a really heavy sleeper. The dwarf are really great cook! Alison woke up and check on the mirror that was now fix. "Aw my ears are gone"she said.

"Yeah. I never thought they will be gone!"I said,happily a I drank my iced coffee. Alison sigh as a dwarf brought her some orange juice. "What are we going to do?"I said. "Well go to school. That what all good girls do"she said as she look at her glass.

She smile then gasp. "It almost eight o clock! I need to go to class!"she yell. "But your started at 8:47!"I yell. "I don't care"she yell as she ran to her room. I sigh and shook my head.
I waited for Alison to change.

"I am done! How do I look?"she said. I look and smile. "Yourself like always"I said. She giggle as we walk upstairs to the gym. There were two teacher arguing about something. "I think my 5th period class is better then yours! No offensive Alison"miss C said.

Not the who has the better class again. "Your class? Ha! Likely story!"Mr. S said. Dang this is bad. "Please! Can we not fight?" Alison said. "Yeah! I mean everyone here is better"I said but Ms. C snap her finger.

"You are right,Vanessa! Let play volleyball! Your class vs my class! Pick your 11 player!"she said. What?! I didn't say anything like that! Not even close! Geez teacher these day! "That a great idea!"Mr. S said.

They each went to gather in their class. "Mr! Not all out student know how to play volleyball!"I said. "Don't worry. We take our best player!"he said. He called out some students like Taya. She really good at volleyball.

Please don't call me! I am really bad at volleyball. "Alison!"he yell. Wait?! There must be a mistake! "Me? But I don't play that good" she said. "Yes you can. I seen you play before. It might not be perfect but it good enough!"he said.

She nod as they left to put up the net. "Are you sure you are up for this?"I said. "I mean peolpe won't noticed me right?" she said. "Sure. Good luck. It look you all might need it"I said.

The teacher call them and they all went to their places. The other that wasn't called sat on bleacher. I look to see at the other team. Are they good? Wow Christian isn't there? Who ever thought that he was good at volleyball.

I never did because he doesn't cute like those guy in my class. They got fine abs. I pray for her to win. They flip the coin and it was their class first. A boy serve first and it almost went toward her. She gasp and put her hand in front of her.

Taya ran and hit it for her. The other group miss and we cheer. "One point!"our teacher yell. I cheer until the girl whisper to the guy ear. He chuckle and nod then hit the ball toward Alison. She hit it and the ball went toward the back. .

Luckily a boy manage to hit the ball over the net. They keep hitting the ball at Alison which is totally unfair. "Why you keep hitting her?! There are other player!"I yell. Everyone agree with me.

"Nah! Why is she even in your team?! She is worthless"a girl yell. "Alison? "Taya yell. "Let me serve"She said. What?! Alison can't serve! She would hit the ball and it go to the other side! Taya gave her the ball as she walk back.

"I bet she can't even serve" someone said from the other team. I noticed Alison's eyes turn yellow and her iris shape like a wolf. She howl as the ball hit up and she hit it. The ball hit the ground and someone caught it.

"9 to 5! Come on Alison!"My teacher yell. She can serve?! Everyone look at each other. "Who next?!"she growl as she look around. I saw her mouth that her teeth had fangs?! The girl chuckle then hit the ball really loud!

You can hear that smack from far away. It was also really high for her. She jump up and smack it down to the ground! The girl stare at her. "You are an animal!" she yell. "I didn't know. Oh! I guess we all are animals by how we treat each other"she growl.

She turn around then walk away. I walk toward her and put my hand on her shoulder. She growl then smile. "Vanessa! We won! Isn't that great?!"she said. "Yes but are you okay?"I said. "Okay? Yeah. I don't know how we won. The world is a mystery!"she said

Alison what worng with you?

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